So I want to check if a user is turning 18 this year, it will be run 31/10 of each year.
I've built this condition:
[cb:parse function="date" date-format="Y" date="+18 years" time="false"][cb_birthday][/cb:parse]] EQUAL TO [cb:parse function="date" time="false"][cb:date format="Y"/][/cb:parse]
The debugger gives me:
Condition 2 failed for 387: 2007 Lig med 01.01.1970
So the date function gives me 1970?
I also tried with
[cb:parse function="date" date-format="Y" date="+18 years" time="false"][cb_birthday][/cb:parse]] EQUAL TO [cb:parse function="time"][cb:date format="Y" /][/cb:parse]
But the time function returns ticks, and not the year
I also tried
[cb:parse function="time" date-format="Y" time="+18 years"][cb_birthday][/cb:parse] equal to [cb:parse function="time"][cb:date format="Y" /][/cb:parse]
And that got me a a bit closer, the debug gives me
Condition 2 failed for 391: 1519862400 Equal to 1486412220
Condition 2 failed for 392: 1488326400 Equal to 1486412220
The first is 17 years old, the latter will be 18 on march 1st, but it doesn't hit it either.
So how do I get it exactly right?