Joomla Version: 3.5.1 (Can't update to 3.6.4 due to the below issues)
CB Version: 2.0.15 (Update isn't showing up as an option)
Akeeba Version: 5.2.5 (Read where this could be the problem...?)
When I log in sometimes (not every time) as an administrator, I get the following error
["The most recent request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again."].
Additionally, when using the CB Login page for front-end users, they get the following message and can't log in
["Session expired or cookies are not enabled in your browser. Please press "reload page" in your browser, and enable cookies in your browser. Please refresh/reload page before filling-in."]
When I edit anything on the site (even articles), it shows to save successfully on the back-end, but nothing changes on the front-end. Seems like a caching issue, but I don't know where it could be coming from.