I am using the CB gallery plugin and have been able to get it to set up how I want it. Once I got it configured it allowed users to upload or link music, video or pictures to their profile and I was also able to set up the modules to display on separate pages to showcase member media of each file type.
I tested it and it was working and then over the past couple days the modules were no longer showing the media uploaded by members and as I checked member profiles it also didn't show any media on the individual profiles.
When checking the CB gallery media in the back end, all of the media is still there showing the specifics such as downloadable, extension type, size, user, asset, etc. However, for some reason the media items are no longer connected to the user who provided them.
I'm wondering if there is a way to check and see if the plugin can rescan the gallery media folder and reconnect the media to the user so that they will also show in the module.
Hope my explanation makes sense, the site overall doesn't seem to have any problems or any other aspect of community builder, just something about this particular plugin seems to have changed for me.
I have included a screen shot of one of the profiles and the backend showing the media that used to be showing