Kyle, Thank you for your superquick response.
My website supports 6 languages which is handled by Joomla and CB perfectly.
Users work with many DB tables having field values in native language as well.
So a french user has a localized profile as well as DB fields in french.
As a sample, data is retrieved by a CB field type QUERY DROP DOWN MULTIPLE as follows:
SELECT industry_name FROM jos_industries
WHERE lang_tag='[cb:config param="lang_tag" /]'
AND cb_profile_selector='[cb_profile_selector]'
ORDER BY industry_name;
Provided user uses correct URL redirect (eg.
) and doesn't switch browser lang settings everything works perfect.
However, when a user looks up a profile in another language, this concept fails.
Example: Italian user looks up a profile of a french user, both have stored data in their native language.
It's like magic:
CB translates the french profile into an italian profile as it uses the current setting of the viewers "lang_tag" which is it-IT not fr-FR.
But retrieval of french DB content fails as the above SELECT cannot find italian values in a french DB table.
This is an app design issue not an CB or Joomla issue.
However this issue is resolved when introducing a CB field that holds the value of "lang_tag" permanently from at time of registration or first login.
The italian user sees an italian profile of a french user where DB value are in french now.
Clicking on Joomla language switcher one can see the profile in french completely.
Therefore SELECT above is to be modified to:
SELECT industry_name FROM jos_industries
WHERE lang_tag='[cb_language_tag]'
AND cb_profile_selector='[cb_profile_selector]'
ORDER BY industry_name;
Drawback of this statement is that when TRIGGER=onAfterLogout user will have no localized DB data as cb_language_tag="" because not set.
My problem is that I don't know what combination of trigger, condition, a.s.o. to use of this mighty Auto Auction plug-in to choose.
The condition 1 EQUAL 1 is just a workaround for testing: execute action all time.
Correct condition is [cb: if cb_language_tag=""]1[/cb:if] EQUAL TO 1 YES.
Thank you for your service.