This is a bit of an ask, but I'm hoping I can integrate/link Groupjive groups with JEvents somehow, using a plugin called JEvent Embed. Description below:
Plugin connects JEvent with an article. It can display a hyperlink in the article linked to the JEvent and alternatively redirects user to JEvent details.
{jevent=808110|_self|0|0|0} =>
repeat id=808110,
_self=opening in current browser window. You can also use _top or _blank.
The third argument is 0=link to event detail, 1=redirect to event detail page.
The fourth argument controls if we show the next occuring repeat (1) or the repeat specified(0).
The fifth argument controls if we show the event title (1) or the text 'Display event' (0)
I am using this plugin with another component, a mapping extension called Hotspots (by far the best mapping extension out there, by the way, in my opinion, and works pretty well with CB) . I have been able to simply paste the code snippet listed above into a details window for each map location, and this has automatically generated the link to the the right event. However, there is a tickbox which enables the use of plugins for this.
You have to use this plugin for this, as simply linking to an event won't work, as they are generated dynamically and using a URL just links to an instance of an repeated event, not the latest one.
I have tried pasting this code into the About details window without success, as I'm sure you will know already. If there is a way to do this I would be very grateful.
Great work on the CB Activity update, by the way.