Hello. I've been working with CB 2.0 for a while now and have come to the point where I need to override modules to fit the look I'm going for. In this particular case, I'm wanting to change the mod_cblogin module to display Login and Register links (that take the user to the CB login and register pages) with no fields. I went ahead and overrode the mod_cblogin in the template I'm using and made a couple of new login/logout php files for my changes. Looking through the code to see how you accomplished linking to Register in the default horizontal PHP file, I see the url is obtained from:
<a href="<?php echo $_CB_framework->viewUrl( 'registers', true, null, 'html', $secureForm ); ?>"<?php echo ( $styleRegister ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $styleRegister ) . '"' : null ); ?>>
I looked for information on the $_CB_framework object in both the primer and the online documentation, but I couldn't find anything. Is there somewhere I can go to find a reference to the CB API so I know what the functions and their parameters do?