There appears to be a limit on the number of values that can be assigned to a Drop-Down Single Select field, or I've run into a bug.
Using CB 2.1.2 & Joomla 3.7.2 I have 299 values on a drop-down single select, the field is working correctly on the front end, and has been for several years dating back to CB 1.8.
I now need to modify the field, but I cannot. Any change made to any variable in the field - description, values or any other parameter, including deleting a value row, results in a strange 'crash' where clicking the Save or Save & Close button (even with no changes made) causes the Field page to close without any error message, and the Joomla Control Panel loads as if you had just logged in.
So, the questions are:
1) Am I up against a limit that kicks me out with the unexpected behavior, or
2) are there restricted field values or characters that I do not know about that could be causing this - it worked fine when it was created, and no changes have been made to field parameters since CB 1.9. I am using dashes, underscores, and parentheses in values and labels both.
3) Is it possible to recover the field - currently any changes cause the unexpected behavior.
Access is available - it is live on an accessible server.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Joomla 3.7.2, CB 2.1.2, PHP 7.0