We stumbled upon a bug in the interaction between menus, FaLang and Community Builder profile page.
We have a translated menu pointing to the CB profile page. The menu has required params translation for "tab" and "user", so FaLang will always add "&tab=&user=", even if they are empty. When user is empty but set, CB assumes it's NOT empty. Therefore, the CB profile can't be shown for other translations than English. In other words, the $_REQEST array is different between English and German/Frensh ('user' =>'', and 'tab' => '' is added).
A fix can be applied to loadComprofilerUser() in comprofiler.php, where the code should check not only if $_REQUEST is set, but also if it's empty.
511 if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['user'] || empty($_REQUEST['user']) ) {
Thank you.