Under the Parameters Tab I see the following errors:
Help - This plugin can not work without the AcyMailing Component. Please download it from
and install it.
Lists displayed on the registration form - This plugin can not work without the AcyMailing Component. Please download it from
and install it.
Lists checked by default - This plugin can not work without the AcyMailing Component. Please download it from
and install it.
Lists displayed on the user profile - This plugin can not work without the AcyMailing Component. Please download it from
and install it.
Update user subscription on registration - No Yes
I have uninstalled both CB & ACY Mailing components and related modules and plugins and then reinstalled them all again yet without success. All the functions of ACY mailing and CB seem to be working fine - just these errors concern me.
Please advise what I can do about getting these errors resolved.