I've a CB field, with date Y-m-d format in comprofiler table, and I want to get it in a auto action code for sinchronyze another database table, where field is varchar(255). Eg:
cb_fechanacimiento, value 1960-01-25
When I do:
$fechanac2=[cb:userdata field="cb_fechanacimiento" /];
The two variables are converted to 1934 integer. But, when I put this in a update query:
,$db->quoteName('fechanacimiento') . ' = ' . $db->quote('[cb_fechanacimiento]'),
value goes right to 1960-01-25.
What I want is to get and convert 1960-01-25 to string 25/01/1960 for including this in the query, but I can't
Thanks for your help.