Hey there,
i try to configure a module that is only visible to users who are not logged in.
i set the acess for the module to guest, but that didn't work, still everybody could see the module.
Then i googled the problem and found a tutorial that said that it's not that easy, as usergroups are not exclusive, so everything a guest can see, is also visible to registered, admin and so on, so it's easy to assign a minimum access level, but difficult to allow something to a guest, but not to registered users, admins etc.
Anyway, it was said i have to make a new usergroup called "gÀste" (parent public), a new access level called "gast" where only "gÀste" have viewing access, and put that new group as guest user group in Users: options in joomla, and finally set access for the module to that new usergroup.
It still didn't work.
I asked for help, and that guy said problem may be connected with community builder.
I have no clue why that guy thinks CB could cause the problem, but anyway,
has anybody had a similar problem or an idea how i could have my "only for guests module"?