I'm trying to implement a group/family plan on mysite. I already had a subs system, and have just got CB/Groupjive to add a community to the site but the community side would benefit from a group subscription.
I've been reading the 2 tutorials - Family Plan and Purchasing Discount coupons.
Purchasing Discount coupons seems the easiest to implement, however I'm unclear about the membership dates. My subscribers are added to a usergroup to allow access to restricted content.
Following the Purchasing Discount coupons tutorial,
Use Case 1 - a plan that creates a 5-use coupon code, potentially the code could be used at 11 month intervals to get almost 5 years of access? - the single user plans could be purchased at 100% discount at any time in the future?
Use Case 2 - limit the validity of the coupons to a month - the single user plans would at most be valid a month after the initial subscription.
The tutorial makes a note that in use case 2 the single user might expire after the family plan, but it doesn't mention this in use case 1.
Is this correct for use case 1?