hmm.. so I need the latest build ... Just tried that 'download from web' and got
Download Community Builder - Download Error
Failed to download package file from to webserver due to following error: Client error response [url] [status code] 401 [reason phrase] Unauthorized
Failed to save Install CB Plugin because: Installation error
I need to put some credentials somewhere?
incidentally, I downloaded and installed this yesterday:
and (weird!) TODAY I am showing the file in question has indeed changed... :S
Same header (* @version $Id: cbpaidsubscriptions.sysplug.php 428 2010-01-26 11:11:34Z brunner $) but the file is indeed 4K bigger and has the changes you noted.
aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnndd.. the zillion notices are no longer being written to the error log, thank you very much! :woohoo: