Hello, I am not able to find this answer in the documentation or the primer.
I have a single document that is needed each year by each member and needs to be deleted each year before they renew. I have come up with 2 scenarios but cannot figure out if the Gallery Plugin search for Asset will work for mass deletion of this single file. I do not want to go though each user one at a time to delete the file.
So option one:
Use a upload file field which renames the file when uploaded and places it in the plug_cbfilefield folder under each user's ID folder. This is doable but the issue is if I delete the file in the server folder the file still says it's on the page. Clicking it says file not found. So it's a DB entry not the actual file. Even with this I must go through each folder and delete them one at time.
Option two:
Create a single gallery for uploading one file using the limit and then deleting them all at once in the gallery plugin list. However I don't know to filter them so I can delete them all at once. They can upload any file name so I cannot search by that, no way to rename a file in a gallery? I thought using a dedicated gallery would give me the option to search by Asset using the gallery asset but that does not work. I need to add the user id and asset for it to show anything. Can't I just use the gallery asset in the search to only show files in that gallery from all users? Then I could delete them all in 2 clicks.
I suppose I could just make a new field each year for this upload which should remove the file from the users profile edit. This would seem to pile up all the files though and after some time could be an issue.
Any other ideas how to accomplish this would be nice.
Thank you