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[#7062] CB Paid Subscriptions: Promotions multiple Publish/Unpublish not possible

  • boyjahq
  • boyjahq
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7 years 21 hours ago - 7 years 11 hours ago #302648 by boyjahq
Why does CB Paid Subscriptions: Promotions not have the ability to check multiple items and Publish or Unpublish as is possible with other aspects of CB and CBSubs? It is tedious to have to go through and do this for each individual promotion when we have lots of them.
Last edit: 7 years 11 hours ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#7062] tag to subject

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  • krileon
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7 years 11 hours ago #302671 by krileon
Makes sense to be able to do that. Have added a feature ticket to add the publish/unpublish buttons.


Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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  • boyjahq
  • boyjahq
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7 years 9 hours ago #302685 by boyjahq
Excellent! Thank you!

While you're at it, maybe you guys can fix Save/Apply buttons throughout CB and CBSubs so they are consistent with rest of Joomla: Save/Save & Close. As it is now, depending on where we are in CB land we get one or the other. It's confusing to admins who don't spend a lot of time in the backend and it's a slowdown for those of us who are working on these websites and doing lots and lots of testing. We want to quickly and without looking or thinking be able to click that far left button and know that we are saving but not saving & closing, however in CB land we must pay attention because not only are the buttons different depending on what page you have opened, but the order is reversed (left button Saves in some instances, Saves & Closes in others) and the imagery on the buttons is also misleading when compared with Joomla standard (Save with checkmark in Joomla -- and parts of CB -- means Save and don't close. Other parts of CB it means Save & Close)

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