Hi everyone!
I just intalled joomla 1.0.8 stable, community builder 1.0 RC2 and uddeim 0.5b.
Everything worked but the pm link in user page menu, the quick message testbox in the tab, and the pm link in the connections thumbnails.
When I checked the plugin manager in CB menu i see two entries very similar:
PMS MyPMS and Pro (for uddeim 0.4)
pms.cbpms (for uddeim 0.5)
and in tab manager I have two entries for "quick message" too. One has parameters for cbpms, and one doesn't. Well, publishing only "PMS MyPMS and Pro" in the plugin, and the tab without parameters everything seems to work.
But "PMS MyPMS and Pro" refers to uddeim 0.4, not 0.5! :blink:
So finally I found the "problem" is that you don't need to install plug_pms_cbpms.zip from uddeim 0.5b package. You can just ude the integration provided with CB 1.0RC2: it is for uddeim 0.4, but it works well with 0.5b too.