I installed UddeIM a while back now and it works great. I'm currently doing a few updates and came across UddeIM Simple Notifier, I can select an image to display for the notification but the live site shows a broken link. This is when using my custom image and also the images that come standard with the install.
The code that displays the image is adding to the url of the image e.g.
<img src="/home/sitename/public_html/modules/mod_uddeim_simple_notifier/tmpl/images/pm-icon.png" title="1 New Message" alt="1" class="size-auto">
It should be something like this
<img src="/modules/mod_uddeim_simple_notifier/tmpl/images/pm-icon.png" title="1 New Message" alt="1" class="size-auto">
I've looked at text.php and edited the code with no effect.