I dont want to have my registered users to be listed on the All Users List.. I have a Registered-Selected User Group..
I am looking at the file userlist.php and I was wondering if it will be a problem if I modify line 386 onwards: // special users
WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."AND g.id NOT IN (3,4,5,6,7,
WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."AND g.id NOT IN (the groups I don't want to be listed)
i my case "2" (registered) will be in the brackets..
will it cause a logical problem causing uddeIM to fail? Perhaps this could be in uddeIM in the future release where the user is allowed more flexibility in in selecting which group can be listed in the User List
INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id
WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."AND g.id NOT IN (3,4,5,6,7, ORDER BY u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username");
INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id
WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."AND g.id NOT IN (2) ORDER BY u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username");
But it didn't work.. am i missing something out there?