I am testing on a new fresh installation - using Joomla! 3.3.6, CB 2.0 and uddeIM 3.4
The inbox, trash, etc. are fine. I have multiple test users, but when I attempt to compose a new message, I get this error:
"ERROR 1146 Table 'zombief1_jo8573.c0ye5_community_connection' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT DISTINCT(u.username) AS displayname, u.id FROM c0ye5_community_connection AS a INNER JOIN c0ye5_users AS u ON a.connect_to=u.id WHERE a.status=1 AND a.connect_from=297"
I checked the code and everything was fine, so it seems that the problem was that you haved used uddeIM with JomSocial before and uddeIM has still used the JS tables after deinstalling JS and installing CB.
uddeIM & uddePF Development
CB Language Workgroup
CB 3rd Party Developer