In CB 2.0.4 and Uddeim 3.5 if I active the Plugin "Uddeim ProfileLink" and the Tab "Private Message" when I view the user profile appears the following error:
Fatal error: Class 'CBtxt' not found in /homepages/38/d543622624/htdocs/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_uddeimprofilelink/pms.uddeim.profilelink.php on line 78
Line 78: $textLink = CBtxt::T($params->get('textLinkPL', "Send Private Message"));
Please open
and change in line 78
$textLink = CBtxt::T($params->get('textLinkPL', "Send Private Message"));
$textLink = $params->get('textLinkPL', "Send Private Message");
Does this work for you?
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