I would like to make it possible for registred users on my site to upload a few profile pictures, and maybe a small description text when they are using uddeim. Nothing else, so I don't need all the advanced features of Community builder. How can I make this possible. I noticed that I can change the "gravatar" picture. But how can users upload their own picture and make it so people can click on it to enlare it.
uddeIM uses the email address the user entered when registering on your site. So the user only has to create a gravatar account with the same email address.
uddeIM & uddePF Development
CB Language Workgroup
CB 3rd Party Developer
Ok, then I understand. But the user have to register on another site then. Is it not possible to make it so that the user can create a profile picture directly in uddeim? Or can you create a small plugin like that for me?