Well thanks for this file first of all! I have searched quite literally EVERYWHERE trying to find a valid copy of the PMS component with no success. Now I tried to install this uddeim com into my cb but now it says there is no css file and it fails the install....AARRRG! So I tried opening the file in rar and there is no install zip there either! So I guess all this was is another com file I cannot use? What I want.....NEED is a standard install zip of a WORKING PMS Com file that can be quickly installed through the normal installation method of CB!!! Where can I get it? ANYONE?!!!!
In the first message it says (this was for the first release of uddeim 0.5+):
I have removed the
language and template folder from the archive due to the upload limit of 200k (maybe the admin can change this to 400k). You can compile a new zip with files from uddeIM 0.5b if you like or overwrite the files on your webserver with the files provided here.
You have tried to install an patch file, not a complete installer file. So you have to remove the "com_uddeim" folders manually now (in components and administrator/components) before you can install the full installer file 0.6b+.
Post edited by: slabbi, at: 2007/09/19 09:00
uddeIM & uddePF Development
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