Thanks for the work done in uddeim, it is a must have IMO. Well, I am having trouble with uddeim 1.0rc2 when user logouts from the site while at privade message window. System responds with blank screen telling something like you dont have initiated session. It is bad since it get the user to a blank screen...
I tried to include attachments but jpeg extension is not allowed. Any tip will be appreciated. You can se at:
Login/Logout is placed at top right (Entrar = Login, Finalizar Session = Logout)
Private Message is under MENU INTERACTIVO label Mensajes Privados. Go there after login and then logout from site to see the problem. I am using a RT template dunno if that have something to do with this.
Unfortunately this message is not generated by uddeIM, so when you logout from your site using the link, uddeIM is not longer called by your site and so it cannot be responsible for this message.
I checked it on my J1.0 and J1.5 test sites and also there this problem is not reproduceable.
Could you make a search on all installed files, it would be helpful to know which component creates this error message.
uddeIM & uddePF Development
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CB 3rd Party Developer