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Its the security code agains cross site scripting (XSS) I use in uddeIM. It finds the word "layer" and adds an "<x>" to make it save.
Will check if I can make it a little bit less aggresive.
You can remove the additional anti XSS code if you like:
Search for "uddeimRemoveXSS" in includes.php and replace this function with following dummy:
function uddeimRemoveXSS($val) {
return $val;
The code is not really necessary since actually I strip all tags but the idea with this code was to allow certain tags and only to drop the dangerous ones.
Post edited by: slabbi, at: 2008/01/23 13:17
uddeIM & uddePF Development
CB Language Workgroup
CB 3rd Party Developer
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* Karma - CB user rating system
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* Jitter - status update system. "What's on your mind?"
* CB Author Plug - Shows CB author link and avatar in content items. J1.5 compatible and very customizable!