A strange problem on my server;
When i send a quick message from the profile, a email notification is delivered to the owner of that profile and the PMS is delivered (like normal).
But... UddeIM does not send email notifitations out whenever i use the "Inbox -> New message" function, the PMS will be delivered (not even with 'system' messages).
My conf's:
- J1.0.13
- UddeIM 0.9b
- CB1.1
I tried both plugins, same story.
Maybe someone knows something before i switch back to the 0.7 version of UddeIM which was working fine on the same server.
I ran the upgrade as described in the 0.9b package.
below is the config file, anyone!?
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
class uddeimconfigclass {
var $version = '0.9';
var $cryptkey = 'uddeIMcryptkey';
var $ReadMessagesLifespan = 36524;
var $UnreadMessagesLifespan = 36524;
var $TrashLifespan = 5;
var $datumsformat = 'j M, H:i';
var $ldatumsformat = 'j F Y, H:i';
var $adminignitiononly = 1;
var $pmsimportdone = 1;
var $blockalert = 0;
var $blocksystem = 1;
var $allowemailnotify = 1;
var $notifydefault = 1;
var $popupdefault = 0;
var $allowsysgm = 1;
var $emailwithmessage = 1;
var $emn_sendermail = '';
var $emn_sendername = ';
var $firstwordsinbox = 40;
var $longwaitingdays = 14;
var $longwaitingemail = 1;
var $maxlength = 2500;
var $showcblink = 1;
var $showcbpic = 1;
var $showonline = 1;
var $sysm_username = '';
var $allowarchive = 1;
var $maxarchive = 100;
var $allowcopytome = 1;
var $trashoriginal = 1;
var $perpage = 20;
var $charset = 'ISO8859-1';
var $mailcharset = 'ISO8859-1';
var $emn_body_nomessage = '';
var $emn_body_withmessage = '';
var $emn_forgetmenot = '';
var $export_format = '';
var $enabledownload = 1;
var $userdirbox = '0';
var $inboxlimit = 1;
var $showinboxlimit = 1;
var $allowpopup = 0;
var $allowbb = 1;
var $allowsmile = 1;
var $animated = 0;
var $animatedex = 0;
var $showmenuicons = 1;
var $bottomlineicons = 1;
var $actionicons = 1;
var $showtitle = '';
var $showconnex = 1;
var $showsettingslink = 2;
var $templatedir = 'monoblue';
var $showabout = 0;
var $emailtrafficenabled = 1;
var $getpiclink = 0;
var $connex_listbox = 1;
var $forgetmenotstart = 1200342046;
var $quotedivider = '__________';
var $realnames = 0;
var $cryptmode = 0;
var $suppressshowallusers = 0;
var $useautocomplete = 1;
var $allowmultipleuser = 1;
var $connexallowmultipleuser = 0;
var $allowmultiplerecipients = 1;
var $showtextcounter = 1;
I manually checked some database tables
In table joomla_uddeim_emn all users have status "1"
In joomla-users on sendEmail only admin has "1", all other users have "0" is that the setting?
Strange... never touched that.
(where is that field populated from?)
Gonna try again with manually input of this db field
Allright, still not working. That wasn't the option.
Where is the emailnotification per user stored in the db?
Email addresses are 100% right, tested it with 2 different useraccounts.