Hey !
when i make a message with "Copy to me" and press send i get this error.
SQL error when attempting to save a messageDB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'totrashoutbox' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO jos_uddeim (fromid, toid, toread, message, datum, disablereply, systemmessage, archived, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (62, 62, 1, 'referf (Kopi af besked afsendt til JohnnyGogo)', 1206057274, 1, 'til JohnnyGogo', 0,1,1206057274)
INSERT INTO jos_uddeim (fromid, toid, toread, message, datum, disablereply, systemmessage, archived, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (62, 62, 1, 'referf
(Kopi af besked afsendt til JohnnyGogo)', 1206057274, 1, 'til JohnnyGogo', 0,1,1206057274)
?? Can someone help me?
- Oxy
Post edited by: slabbi, at: 2008/03/21 11:26