I have to manually set the config.php to write via ftp.
I really thank you so much if you tell me how to change this parameters to the config.php file. So, I hope the file you said is config.class.php located in administrator/components/com_uddeim
If can't be able to set the access permissions via FTP, then just use joomlaXplorer 1.6.2 Maintenance Release or eXtplorer 2.0.0 RC2 released for your permission problem. Seems you have Apache2handler on there, I think... or you don't understand how permission have to take via FTP?
If can't be able to set the access permissions via FTP, then just use joomlaXplorer 1.6.2 Maintenance Release or eXtplorer 2.0.0 RC2 released for your permission problem. Seems you have Apache2handler on there, I think... or you don't understand how permission have to take via FTP?
Hi again, thanks a lot for your both answers. I know how to change the permissions but I didn´t know that the other guy was talking about changing them on config.class.php, I really tought that it needs more job.