But it was (very appropriately) suggested I post the question here, as well. I want to only allow users who have established a connection to PM eachother. I have hacked the Inbox page so that they can only read & reply, not compose. I want them to only be able to compose messages from their "connections" page in CB.
My problem is the "Messages->Send Private message" menu item that appears when viewing other user profiles. I cannot figure out how to keep that item from displaying AND still maintain the PM button on the connections page (I was able to hack both out of existance but, that's no good).
Is there a way to disable/remove this menu item? I want to keep spam and unwanted solicitations to an absolute minimum and making users have an established connection seems the best way.
I can not really answer your question, as it regards to a CB issue (not a uddeIM) and I do not know the code enough to help you on this (you would have to hack the CB code that displays the profile page or the menu plugin, I suppose).
Regarding avoiding spam, I just wanted to point out that uddeIM has a blocking feature. If you enable it, every user can block other users if (s)he feels annoyed by them.
Yes, I read up on all the blocking options and ignore feature. In my particular case, there will be individuals who spam every member in an attempt to build their own staff contact list. A good percentage of members might even respond or not be offended by the spam but, I don't want my site to facilitate this.