fresh joomla 1.6 install
fresh german language-files
fresh cb 1.3.1
no other module, plugin, or something else installed.
problem 1:
Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /homepages/1/d281244429/htdocs/rat-test/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ on line 3007
Warning: end() [function.end]: Passed variable is not an array or object in /homepages/1/d281244429/htdocs/rat-test/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ on line 3007
From JED: "Note: CB 1.3.1 installs and runs on Joomla 1.6 (except for bugs of Joomla 1.6 itself). But for full 1.6 stable compatibility which work around latest 1.6 changes, you need to apply latest patches from our forge too. Next CB release will include fixes for all known issues with Joomla 1.6."