I have a problem when installing this component com_comprofiler.zip after extracting it from cb_1_4_0-unzip1st.zip.This is the error message "There was an error uploading this file to the server." Note that am using the following joomla 1.5.22, php 5.3.0 and mySQL 5.1.36.
The modules have installed quite well eg mod_comprofilerOnline.zip,mod_comprofilerModerator.zip and mod_cblogin
Last edit: 13 years 6 months ago by smuchemi55. Reason: I had posted in the wrong category initially
smuchemi55 wrote: Sorry for this but i had assumed php configuration on "PHP upload_max_filesize" i have change and restarted the services and all has gone well.
Glad you resolved this issue by studying the readme file located in the CB distribution package.