I'm building a userlist with CB 1.7 / Joomla! 1.7. The website has registered users and part of them are classified as 'members'. The CB fields list has a field cb_member (chekcbox) which gets ticked if a person is a 'member'. On the profile pages, I want to show personal info but only want to show some of it to logged-in registered users who are classified as 'members'. So, in other words, I want to show specific info from members to members only. Certain profile info is free for all logged in and registered users, certain profile info is members to members only.
I'm trying to use the [cb:if] function in a text delimiter field to do this as it knows the #me substitution. But as the cb_members field is not a system field, it seems not possible to construct a filter using the #me substitution.
So, how would you construct a display statement that shows (for instance) an email address to a member? I started out with