For some reason I can't get the exclude category or group function in the Groupjive module to work at all. I'm adding categories or groups from the dropdown lists, but it isn't having any effect on the frontend. All other functions are okay in the module.
PS I just tried the same thing on your new demo site (great to see this up and running, by the way) and its not working there either, so it looks like a bug, maybe?
LineMine wrote: Hi
For some reason I can't get the exclude category or group function in the Groupjive module to work at all. I'm adding categories or groups from the dropdown lists, but it isn't having any effect on the frontend. All other functions are okay in the module.
PS I just tried the same thing on your new demo site (great to see this up and running, by the way) and its not working there either, so it looks like a bug, maybe?
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