When a user tries to register and submits an email address already associated with an account, the registration is rejected (no duplicates allowed) and the user is thrown back to the registration form with no error message or indication of what is wrong. Is it possible to provide an error message indicating what the problem is?
pjwalker6 wrote: When a user tries to register and submits an email address already associated with an account, the registration is rejected (no duplicates allowed) and the user is thrown back to the registration form with no error message or indication of what is wrong. Is it possible to provide an error message indicating what the problem is?
I just tried here on this site with latest Joomla and Community Builder, and I get following error which is correct:
This email address is already registered.
That "no duplicates allowed" doesn't come from CB nor Joomla imho.
Thanks. My reference to 'no duplicates' did not refer to an error message, but I thought there was a Joomla setting to allow/deny identical email addresses. I may have been thinking of Joomla 1, as I can't find such a setting now.
Anyway, the point is, what is going on that I don't have any of my sites display the same error message as you report? Do I have a template problem?