Functionality to log in with ID/password is working properly.
However, if a user goes to view their profile, the page is blank - no fields displayed at all. (Please see the attachments.)
Also, if a user does not remember their password and attempts to use the forgot password functionality, the button to send their information never enables (button stays red and the cursor changes to the "not" symbol).
The button stays disabled whether the user checks the lost username or lost password check boxes. Please see the attachment for cb-fogot-login.
Please pass on any suggestions.
Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject
For anyone else that has a similar issue, the problem was that several jquery files were not loading for CB. Some of the files included: jquery.migrate.min, jquery.qtip.min, jquery.cbtooltip.min, etc.
To resolve this, we cleared cache and that resolved the issue for us.