Greetings! I am the developer of the Joomla Admin Mobile iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile application. Our application provides users with Joomla administrator functionality natively on their mobile devices.
We recently added plugin capabilities to our extension to allow developers to extend the functionality of our mobile application. You can find more information about JAM plugins here:
Our users have requested the ability to administer their Community Builder content from JAM (it is our #2 highest requested plugin). We would like to reach out to your developers (as well as your community of users) to see if anyone would be interested in creating such a plugin.
If you have any questions, please contact me by responding here, email, posting on our forums, etc.
PS - I don't know if this is the best category to be posting this. If it is not, please move it to the correct one.
Will Mavis
Joomla Admin Mobile for your iPhone, iPad, and Android