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jux-banner-500vJoomlapolis and the CB Team have been faithfully contributing to make Joomla better.

During this year's JAB 2013 international conference CB Team member - Beat gave a very inspirational lightning talk presentation titled "Joomla!, Wow!" (starts at 15 min mark) about bringing back the warm and fuzzy feeling to Joomla. The presentation touched upon user interface improvements and overall Joomla user experience.

Last week in Manchester, UK the Joomla User eXperience (JUX) Team held a 2 day code sprint where a team of community members and developers contributed their skills and time to implement user interface improvements for the upcoming Joomla 3.2 release.

Beat was invited and joined the JUX code sprint to work within an elite team of Joomla lovers to code many improvements to the Joomla 3.2 interface and help bring back the Wow! to Joomla!.

The JUX sprint code force initially focused on quick win improvements that will make things less confusing for the new first time Joomla user.

Simple things like not showing language selections in various administrator areas of Joomla if only one language is installed will make things look clean and friendly for both the experienced and brand new Joomla user. This concept of hiding/showing elements and user interface options to keep things clean and less confusing has been extended in other user interface areas.

A series of cool frontend editing improvements have also been added to make Joomla content (article, module, menu) editing easier and more powerful.

Brian Teeman (also a code sprint participant) recorded this 6 minute video with some of the highlights of the JUX improvements we should expect to see in Joomla 3.2.

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