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cb10year 500

Community Builder is celebrating its 10th birthday!

We are very proud of providing for 10 years what is now the best open source social networking solution for Joomla!

A big THANK YOU goes to each and every one of our:

  • 528000 (and growing fast) Joomlapolitans
  • millions of Community Builder website owners
  • 40 language teams and their members on Transifex and
  • paid supporters!

Without your help we would have never reached this awesome milestone!

To celebrate this fantastic birthday for the entire month of March we have some great free gifts for everyone and also awesome discounts for our paid membership. Just click on our celebration banner to learn more!

Please join us by #10yearsCB #joomla tweeting or social network sharing your personal wishes for Community Builder's 10th birthday!

You can also drop your birthday wishes on our discussion forum.