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The new CB Activty 3.0 is just around the corner with awesome totally responsive fantastic looking features!

We are completely thrilled by the upcoming CB Activity 3.0. It is totally re-designed with pixel-perfect polishings and it includes best of bread activity streaming features. This brings a delightful User Experience (UX) to members and even surpasses features present on popular social networks!

In 3 words, it's the activity streaming Of Your Dreams. At least it's the one of our dreams.

Here are some of the main features in the soon to be released CB Activity 3.0 RC1:

  • "What's on your mind?" posting
  • Commenting everywhere
  • Inline #hashtag support
  • Inline emotions support (e.g., :smile:)
  • Inline @username and @name type mentions
  • Activity URLs automatically converted to clickable links
  • 10 built-in Actions (Feeling, Watching, Reading, ...) and you can add your own!
  • 62 built-in Emotions (smile, laughing, blush, ...) and you can add your own!
  • Configurable limits everywhere (number of chars per post, comment, ...)

Every profile gets it's own Activity tab, but you can also create Joomla menu items to your activity streams!

And of course everything is responsive and lightning fast!

CB Activity 3.0 will be available for Professional and Developer members. A first Release Candidate (RC) is scheduled to take place soon after CB 2.0.8 is released (prerequisite for CB Activity 3.0).

In the meantime you can take a quick look at our CB Activity preview tutorial and join the discussion below.

Discuss this on our forums.