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The CB Team has just released the first release candidate of its Ajax file field plugin for CB 1.2.1. This first RC has been named CB Ajax File Field Plugin version 1.0 RC (and it will only work with CB 1.2.1 or better). All CB Documentation subscribers can download this released candidate and install it on their CB 1.2.1 web sites (just like any CB Plugin via the CB Plugin Management back-end). Once installed (and enabled!), a new field type is available in the CB Fields Management back-end - the file field! This means that you can create one or more CB file fields and use them just like any other CB field. A CB file field may be characterized just like other CB fields. You can have a file field appear during registration, you can mark a CB file field as mandatory, read only, etc. And you can also enable front-end Ajax powered editing!

As with most CB Team releases, you will notice that the plugin has been equipped with (hopefully all of) the necessary extra parameters to handle most envisioned use cases. The plugin provides email notification when new files are uploaded (see plugin parameters). You can also manipulate the new field parameters which appear when creating a new file field in the CB Field Management area. These extra parameters will allow you to turn on/off email notification on a per CB file field basis, to turn on/off Ajax front-end editing and to limit size and extension types allowed during file upload.

This long time requested plugin is now available for CB Documentation subscribers. It is in pretty good shape (having earned the CB Team RC status) and once stability is reached, it will be publicly released for free under the GPL v2 license.

