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- Hits: 7464
This is considered a security release and all website are encouraged to update to this release. All Joomla 1.7, 1.6 and 1.5 environments can just update by installing over their existing installations (as always take precautionary backup first).
CB 1.7.1 continues to work on all Joomla versions (Joomla 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x and 1.0.x) and Mambo and can be downloaded by all registered members from our Free download area.
Advanced and Professional members can download updated detailed documentation from the Advanced download area.
For full changelog and feedback please join the discussion below.
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- Hits: 23587
Security scan your websites for a whole month for free thanks to our cooperation with McAfee®!
This Free compementary McAfee SECURE™ account is available to all Advanced and Professional members and can be used for a full month of daily scanning for up to 50 of your websites!
Complete the sign-up form (no credit card needed) by September 30th and get this awesome security service for a full month for free! Then visit your service dashboard and add your website URLs to schedule daily remote scanning (nothing to install on your websites).
Watch the service dashboard tutorial video to see how easy it is to schedule security scans for your websites and add McAfee SECURE™ trustmark icon to your website and generate a PCI security compliance report for each website.
This is a great opportunity to identify and fix vulnerabilities present on your websites.The scanning is done on the entire environment from the application level (Joomla and extensions) down to your hosting infrastructure.
Extended documentation and free email and free phone support from McAfee security experts will help you handle any issued identified on your websites.
Are you an Advanced or Professional member ?
Grab this fantastic offer now!
Not an Advanced or Professional member yet ?
Get Advanced or Professional membership now!
Do it now, after September 30th, the free deal is gone, choose your plan above and rush to check your sites’ security before it’s too late.
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- Hits: 5480
Joomlapolis and McAfee collaboration brings security services offerings to Joomlapolitans!
Joomlapolis is now offering the McAfee SECURE™ trustmark and the McAfee® PCI Certification service for its membership.
The two organizations have been working on this arrangement in order to bring highly respected security related offerings at fantastic way below retail pricing to the over 400,000 Joomlapolis members.
Nicole Chovan from the McAfee Web Security Group stated:
"We are excited to address the 400,000 members of Joomlapolis and offer them our McAfee SECURE trustmark and McAfee PCI Certification services and look forward to working closely with individual members to make their websites as secure as possible through our services."
Beat from Joomlapolis responded:
"As Joomlapolis website administrators, we have been using the McAfee SECURE trustmark (see our homepage dynamic McAfee SECURE trustmark) and we have been extremely impressed with the daily scanning that tests our site for more than 12,000 vulnerabilities (including Joomla related scanning) helping us keep Joomlapolis secure and safe. All Joomla websites can benefit from these services!"
Learn more about McAfee SECURE Trustmark and PCI-DSS services through our dedicated pages in the CB Solutions menu above.
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- Hits: 7371
22 June 2011, Joomlapolis has just registered its 400,000th member!
Our fantastic community has been constantly growing and its times like this that we must sit back and take a closer look at what we have accomplished. And, of course, give thanks to everyone involved, no matter how small or large the contribution is perceived.
It’s not only the membership count. We need to consider the huge popularity Community Builder has earned over the years. CB has consistently been one of the most popular Joomla extensions and we estimate between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 CB installations with over 60,000,000 – 100,000,000 public profiles (base: Google search)! These numbers are truly awesome! And the fact that CB has remained stable and secure throughout its versions and all of the Mambo and Joomla versions is another great achievement in itself!
Who shall we give thanks to?
Well, for starters, we need to take our hats off to Joomla for its inspiration and good will pushing forward what is clearly the easiest open-source content management system around today.
The CB Team has been giving back to the Joomla project in many ways. As individuals contributing time towards tracker items, reporting, code fixes, magazine articles, etc. And as a project by sponsoring many Joomla related events over the years. And today, as another token of our sincere appreciation, Joomlapolis has donated $400 in honor of our 400K members to the Joomla project. THANK YOU JOOMLA!
We need to thank our community and this means YOU. You, the user, the forum poster, the Advanced member, the Professional member, the template purchaser, the CBSubs user, the tester, the language translator, the complainer, the reviewer (yes we read them, so please keep them coming!), the silent observer – each and every one of YOU has contributed to this huge success. THANK YOU!
And we need to thank our core team members (Beat, Nick and Kyle) for their patience and perseverance and most of all their understanding that beyond the fame and glory things need to stay fun and peaceful.
So, in true Joomlapolitan tradition, we are launching a week-long celebration with nice discounts and daily FREE gifts from Joomlapolis and from our third party friends! Take a peek at your personal profile coupon booklet and see our offerings and those of our friends. During the week-long celebration period, visit your coupon book every day as the Joomlapolis FREE GIFT will be changing each day! Many great products and services (extensions, CB plugins, templates, training, books, etc.) are being offered to YOU, our Joomlapolis member, at great discounts of up to 40%!
Update: The 400k celebration has been a huge success and has ended after 7 busy days on 29 June 2011. Once again: Thank You for your support!
Join the celebration discussion below - we will tweet and reward the best celebration slogans!
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- Hits: 6340
Living in a country like Greece, I seldom have the opportunity to promote Joomla and Community Builder in my native language and I honestly miss this. So when the JoomlaDay Greece 2011 project was announced the CB Team was proud to sponsor the event financially and participate with two presentations during the two day conference.
Once again the Greek people proved that when motivated they can accomplish anything and in record time. I believe the entire project was organized from start to finish within 45 days and there were over 650 registrations! Reminds me of the 2004 Athens Olympics where the Greek people – contrary to public international criticism proved that they could and did organize the best Olympic games every!
The 2 day Joomla Day Greece event was awesome. The venue was fantastic – two excellent Cinema amphitheatrically (Greek word btw) situated rooms with state of the art acoustic support and high definition enormous projection screens made viewing and presenting effortless and extremely enjoyable.
Our International speakers: Ryan Ozimek (President OSM), Johan Janssens (Nooku), Theo van der Zee (FinishJoomla), Alex Kempkens (JoomFish) and Max Milbers (Virtuemart) gave the event the prestige it needed and even though almost everyone (only one registration claimed otherwise) attending knew English it was the many top notch native language speakers that gave the local color needed in order to truly promote Joomla to the Greek audience.
And of course Greek hospitality scored many points with the international speakers and the Greek cuisine also with a highlight second night dinner under the Acropolis. Everyone renewed their commitment to participate again next year to further promote Joomla in Greece!
I would personally like to thank and congratulate the organizers, the sponsors, the speakers and the participants for a well done job. It looks like the open source culture is in line with the Greek mentality and community and we will see more great projects popping up from Greek developers. I am proud to have been associated with this effort and I am very grateful that Joomlapolis helped sponsor this – THANK YOU!
Related resources:
- Slides from Community Builder Solutions Presentation
- Slides from The ABC of Joomla Community Presentation
- Joomla!Day Greece 2011 Recap by OSM President Ryan Osimek
- Joomla!Day Greece 2011 Report by FinishJoomla Theo van der Zee