It looks like I am not getting those emails, just a copy of the new joiners confirmation, with the wrong details inserted, as below!
Email Reads:
Welcome <user name>,
Welcome to the UK's fastest growing business community - Your Business Community.
Your account with the following details:
Email: registration@***.com
Name: Notifications at *******
Username: <real user name>
have been activated.
The first thing to do is login and update your profile page and upload/choose a profile picture, <a href="http://*****>here.
If you have any any questions re your membership or you want to find out about the benefits of becoming a Premium Member, you can call us on 0**** **** or go here .
We look forward to meeting you, online or at an event.
The *** team
NOTE: This email was automatically generated from (http://www.*****.com).