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[SOLVED] [#7064] Invoice with partial/total refund

  • activha
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7 years 2 days ago - 6 years 11 months ago #302699 by activha

opening a new thread on this after testing refunds with sepa and Stripe gateway :

I have noticed that ssuing a partial refund makes the invoice/basket disappear from the customer invoice list on its profile cbsubs page.

As invoice = basket, is it possible to have a line showing the amount partially/totally refunded somewhere in the basket ? could we use CB substitution for instance to show this line only if it exists ?

That's not good that the invoice is not listed any longer on the invoice page for the customer.

More over there is new laws in France forbidding to alter or change an invoice once it have been issued, so if people use the basket feature as invoicing it may bring some problems.

Any ideas on this subjects ?

Last edit: 6 years 11 months ago by beat. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject

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  • krileon
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7 years 1 day ago #302710 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Invoice with partial/total refund
Was able to confirm using dummy test gateway and does not seam gateway dependent. Have added a bug ticket for further investigation as doesn't make sense for invoice to vanish since the basket still exists and is likely being suppressed by a condition in the SQL.


Kyle (Krileon)
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  • beat
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6 years 11 months ago #302909 by beat
Fixed in next nightly build.

Beat - Community Builder Team Member

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  • activha
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6 years 11 months ago #302947 by activha
Have updated the latest build but the refund still does not appear. Initial basked is back but only with initial payments, no refunds is applied to it.

BTW : can you change your forum flood time protection ? That’s a bit annoying when trying to answer two or three posts to loose all that we type on an ipad when submitting answers. Maybe that allowing two or three following answers would be fine before considering flooding ;-)

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  • beat
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6 years 11 months ago #302953 by beat
- Refunded and partly refunded invoices within the timeframe of invoice list (6 months by default) do appear.

- On invoice, there is a status displaying in strong with the payment method if the invoice is (partly) refunded.

- The feature-request to have refund invoices and multiple invoices is not forgotten but will not happen for CBSubs 4.2 as it implies writing a new part of CBSubs which is not there. CBSubs has orders (baskets) and payment records, but no separate invoices/credit notes at this time (and never had), as it is not an invoicing tool. This is planed in the limited scope of CBSubs features, and we acknowledge that it is important for some businesses, but not yet implemented. We are putting priority for CBSubs 4.2 to fix bugs and implement low-risk improvements. Then there will be a minor maintenance release probably, before we handle larger Feature Requests and a few great features ideas. There is no need to repeat that feature request in each of your posts. Thanks for your understanding.

Beat - Community Builder Team Member

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  • activha
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6 years 11 months ago #303065 by activha
Hi Beat,

Well of course I understand that you have priorities but this feature thing is really important as it is against french (and maybe European) regulations.

You cannot call basket = invoice and repeat the same invoice number for different payments, that’s agains the law.

I have noticed that when using Pro Forma invoice setting and SEPA payment with Stripe, the invoice number recorded in cbsubs_payment table invoice column is the pro forma one and not the definitive one.

This can be useful if we can use this table as the base one to generate invoice ??

You state that baskets = invoices, but that’s not what it looks like. CBsubs baskets do not look like invoices but look more like orders (pending or completed).
Invoices need to be unique and then cbsubs_payment table seems to record unique payments, so invoices should be linked to payment table and not basket table.

So could it be possible without too much hassle to :
- change wording from invoice to order in CBsubs languages, and change the name for last order column instead of invoice column in back end basket listing
- Add a front view based on payment table displaying invoices/payments with the same display as basket today and getting the substitutions from payment table and not basket table
- Add an invoice column in backend payment table linked to this view (same as what exists for basket table today)

That could be enough to have a decent invoicing feature with no heavy development and be compliant with our regulations.

I insist that it’s forbidden in France to have the same invoice number for different payments like CBsubs displays right now in the frontend.

Using payment table could be a quick way to enhance things.

I am sorry to insist on this but as CBsubs has no mean to link to an invoicing software, that would be a nice thing to do without too much changes.

For now we use a query field to display payments and help our customers keep track of their payments, but as this always displays the same basket, that really defeats the purpose.

Field is :
SELECT DATE_FORMAT( `time_completed_date`, '%d %b %Y' ) AS time_completed_date_formatted FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `payment_status` = 'Completed' AND `user_id` = '[user_id]' ORDER BY time_completed_date DESC LIMIT 12

Display :
<div class="small col-sm-2">[column_time_completed_date_formatted]</div>

I kept this in this post as refund do not appear in figures in present invoices, which is also against rules. It is not enough to mention a partial or total refund, the amount has to be mentioned and the taxes also.

What do you think of this suggestion to mix proforma numbering use and payment table to display real invoices ?

Could it be done easily ?

Thanks for reading, we are all in the same boat, helping you to debug and enhance things, but also with real business needs of day to day uses.


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