Hi activha,
We highly appreciate your suggestions and feature requests (when they are not reminded too often and done in a constructive way (like here) and in a positive non-legalize tone).
1. Thus I have to do 2 gentle preliminary remarks as a reminder as they have already been stated quite a few times, to your statements :
CBSubs has never been and is not an invoicing and accounting software. It is a management solution for free and paid memberships.
Neither CBSubs nor Joomlapolis are responsible for your business complying to your local laws.
That general non-legalize and non-binding information is written in much better and larger terms in our binding GPL licence.
CBSubs is open-source and there is CB auto-actions and an extensive API. The beauty of this is that it allows everyone to implement what he needs, like you did yourself, your simple solution to your satisfaction.
Ok, now that this has been taken out of the way,
2. Regarding your question:
Yes, CBSubs baskets can be considered as Orders (with various states, form draft to executed) as their primary function.
You can put whatever name you wish to the baskets using the parameter "Invoice title format" in the CBSubs Settings in Display, Invoices tab. Default is "Invoice [INVOICENUMBER]" but you can change it to "Order [INVOICENUMBER]" if you wish so.
3. Regarding your suggestion:
I'll think more about it,
Keep in mind that CBSubs
is not an invoicing and accounting software and that the invoices auto-generated in CBSubs are perfectly fine for 99+% of our users' use-cases.
Technically, Payments are primarly Transaction Record *traces* (Transaction Records are not even at your PSP, but at your aquierer/bank) and could act as Receipts, although Receipts have a strong legal final irrevocable payment meaning, that is more appropriate for hard cash transactions. And having payments as invoice doesn't handle the case of multiple payments for a single invoice. Receipts are also legal documents and if you go to a store in town or a restaurant you typically will get a Receipt but no Invoice unless you specifically ask for it and then you will receive usually a handwritten or manually made one. But then this all varies by legislation. So it all needs more thoughts in the future as it would be a major change.