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[SOLVED] Send email if date field value is equal to today

  • krileon
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13 years 1 month ago #189825 by krileon
Does it work without the condition? Please provide a screenshot of your email action configuration.

Kyle (Krileon)
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13 years 1 month ago #189863 by deltafidesign

krileon wrote: Does it work without the condition? Please provide a screenshot of your email action configuration.

Without the condition it sent out the e-mail.

In the attached file you can see a screenshot.

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  • krileon
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13 years 1 month ago #189910 by krileon
Then the condition isn't being met. Please place both substitutions in the email and let it send. This will give you exactly what the condition is trying to match against. You're trying to compare 2 dates it looks like all the way down to the seconds; so if it's off by even 1 second it won't match.

Kyle (Krileon)
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13 years 1 month ago #189915 by deltafidesign
I've done what you suggested and this is the result of the e-mail I received:

[cb:date format="Y-m-d H:m:s" /] >>>>>> 2012-02-02 15:02:25

[cb_datefieldifferent_for_users] >>>>>> 2099-12-31

Some users have this field value setted to 2099-12-31,ok... but before upgrading to V.2.2.3 and then to 2.3.0 it worked correctly; now it doesn't, why?


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  • krileon
  • krileon
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13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #189938 by krileon
Date fields don't store time, nor do they return time. You only need to match against the date. Matching against time anyway will make it pretty impossible to match. Please try the below for just the date.

[cb:date format="Y-m-d" /]

I've no idea why upgrading would cause it to stop working as it should have never worked. I've no idea what condition you're using either as it's translated. There is no date specific condition handling so can't guarantee doing say greater than would work.

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
Last edit: 13 years 1 month ago by krileon.

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13 years 1 month ago #189950 by deltafidesign

krileon wrote: Date fields don't store time, nor do they return time. You only need to match against the date. Matching against time anyway will make it pretty impossible to match. Please try the below for just the date.

[cb:date format="Y-m-d" /]

I've no idea why upgrading would cause it to stop working as it should have never worked. I've no idea what condition you're using either as it's translated. There is no date specific condition handling so can't guarantee doing say greater than would work.

Really before I let it work with [cb:date format="Y-m-d" /], but now it doesn't work neither cases. Anyway, I need to compare a field date of users to daily date and send to myself an e-mail that advice me about something.

That's my case:
User field with date (example tomorrow: 2012-02-03)

Tomorrow I'll login and I would like that the plugin will test the condition: if [cb:date format="Y-m-d" /] equal or greater than cb_userdatefield then sent out an email to me to advice about this.

Is this possible?

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