- or really the subsequent (payment) page. Two fixed amount coupons are active CONC and JOINT2ND, both set up with pre tax prices. Australian taxes (GST).
I am having difficulties getting taxes to continue to display properly when I add a discount coupon to the payments page.
I have found three earlier forum messages on this topic, but none with a resolution shown:
I have attached a before and after screen shot - but I can see what is shown depends on the Settings | Display | Invoices | Totaliser settings, and have been able to achieve an alternate outcome where taxes show correctly again, but the coupon appears to have no effect. But I haven't yet been able to find a combination that shows taxes and coupon appropriately at the same time.
I expect there is an answer but have also not found a helpful resource on what these settings are designed to do let alone how they should be set. Is there such a piece of documentation that I have missed?
Happy to share login credentials by PM.