Field labels are styled by CB. For example the below CSS is from CBs default template, but you'll want to use Firebug for Firefox to inspect the label to see where its CSS is exactly and adjust as necessary.
IN: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default/template.css
ON: Line 109Code:.cbformdiv .cb_form_line label, form.cb_form .cb_form_line label, .cb_tab_content .cb_form_line label { display: block; float: left; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: top; width: 28%; }
krileon wrote: Those are hardcoded as they're a part of the templates PHP file and its layout, which you can adjust below.
Optionally you can just use CSS with !important tags such as the below example.
Code:.cbPosLeft { width: 40% !important; } .cbPosMiddle { width: 60% !important; }
Yes, it's calculated; just override it with static values.and the percentage value is coming from a formula. Not sure how to avoid that value to set up a fixed value.
It should work just fine as the important tag will force it to override any inline styles. You need to ensure it's placed at the bottom of your Joomla template CSS file. Then very it's presence using Firebug. If you've site caching or browser caching present ensure you clear both then refresh the page.If you mean adding these lines to the template.css, I tried before and doesn´t work. That´s why I am trying to hack it.
It should work just fine as the important tag will force it to override any inline styles. You need to ensure it's placed at the bottom of your Joomla template CSS file. Then very it's presence using Firebug. If you've site caching or browser caching present ensure you clear both then refresh the page.
timberlineevents wrote:
If there's an update on the ticket I'll post the update to the ticket. No, CB Blogs doesn't have triggers; yet (planned). For now the notifications are broken. Will be fixed with next release of course.
Do you have at list an idea of when is it going to be released??
Sometime in the next 2 weeks or so.Do you have at list an idea of when is it going to be released??
You can't, it's off/on usage only as configured in CB Blogs configuration.but how can I get rid of the “manage your blog” menu item in the profile for specific user groups?