You should not be logged in when clicking the confirmation link. That's why it is not working, because you're already logged in.
I was not. Actually that user “www” was deleted before register so it didn´t exist.
Something is causing you to login. Do you have an auto-login plugin or something of the sort installed?
The Auto action is causing it. This does not happen when the auto action is disabled.
No, I don’t have any auto login installed. Even if I have it, I don´t know any auto login extension that will login a user that is not enabled, not approved, neither confirmed.
also if you take a closer look at the images that I sent you, the auto action is not permitting the email confirmation neither.
Even if works or not, after clicking on the email confirmation link the ”confirmed” status in the user manager should change to green, and as you can see is still in red.
Coming back to what I told you before:
Why if the “onAfterUserRegistration” is a valid trigger, is not showing up in the triggers dropdown list??