How do I hide tabs from all but the owner?
I am trying my BEST to NOT have to use profile pro or the like on these profiles and so far, so good. Until I get to hiding tabs...
I have groupjive installed. I want my paid members to be able to access this tab and free members cannot. I want ONLY the paid members to see this tab in their profiles. No other person should see what groups these members are subscribed to. It should be a private tab for their use only.
So, here are my settings. I've been messing with this for DAYS now and still find the tab showing up on free accounts, no matter what combination I'm using. I must be missing something critical in my understanding of the use of the fields/tabs protect.
A. CBSubs Fields Tabs Protect: Tab CB Subs preferences
Yes, CB subs control detailed tab access
1) For other viewers:
Owner plans controlling tab available in profile:
I have selected the paid accounts who have access to this tab
2) For profile owner himself:
Still available for profile owner: Yes, owner's tab available for profile owner.
Owner plans controlling tab editable:
I have selected the paid accounts who have access to this tab
3)For moderators:
No on both.
B. Tab visibility depending on viewer's subscriptions
1) For other viewers:
View plans controlling tab visibility by viewer:
I have selected a dummy plan that I created per suggestions on this forum to hide this from all but the owner.
Viewer plans controlling tab searchable:
I have selected the dummy plan.
2)For profile owner himself:
No, profile owner himself is also restricted
3)For Moderators:
No, moderators also restricted
This is the closest I have come, so far. Users cannot see other users groups tab. But my free accounts STILL see this tab in their profiles when they are logged in. I've tried so many settings here that it's crazy and I just can't seem to hit on the right combo to make this tab private for all but the profile owner AND only available for paid members. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.