When a successful PayPal transaction is completed, a message such as the one below is displayed before the "View Printable Invoice" link:
"Thank you for your payment of GBP 15.00 for the Registered Member's Annual Subscription for Danny Elvis using your paypal account test05@****.org.uk. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you by PayPal. You may log into your account at
to view status details of this transaction."
It took me quite a while to work out that the message cannot be tailored in the CBSubs Settings Display like many of the other messages. Is there a reason for this? I think it would be helpful if this was possible. Can this be added to the WishList?
However, there are 2 problems with the existing text - one minor, one more important:
- "using your paypal account" should be "using your PayPal account". This can be changed in {website root}\components\com_comprofiler\plugin\language\cbpaidsubscription-en-gb but the default should be PayPal (an easy fix!)
- "paypal account test05@****.org.uk" refers to the email address used in CB, which may not necessarily be the same as the PayPal account used for payment. The email address of the PayPal account is available from the IPN: 'payer_email'. This is the address that should be used in the message. (i.e. the "Customer email" address for the Transaction email from service@paypal.co.uk)