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[SOLVED] Some minor questiuons/problems with CB integration

  • rolf3dea
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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #208960 by rolf3dea
I have some minor problems with finishing up my community. Probably pretty easy for someone with more experience!

I want users to be able to search for other members, so I created a list. I want them to search through all of them, but not see all of them, otherwise everyone would see the same name appear on top everytime before they search(in alphabetical order). Is there a way to hide the userlist initially?

Groupjive question. I can find a menu-item with "my groups".. but all it shows is the groups you've created yourself. Is there a menu item available in which people can see all the groups that they have subscribed to? I can't find it anywhere.

I have integrated K2 with CB. When a user subscribes, it doesn't automatically assign to the "registered" group.. resulting in not being able to comment on K2 items before I manually allow them. I have seen this question before but not really a solution. (maybe it's a K2 bug rather then CB)

I can see a "CB Calendar" icon in the folder, but when I search through the modules, fields or tabs, I can't find a calendar option? Is this correct?

Sorry.. it's a lot of questions, but you gotta start somewhere right :p

Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by krileon.

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12 years 6 months ago #208975 by krileon

I want users to be able to search for other members, so I created a list. I want them to search through all of them, but not see all of them, otherwise everyone would see the same name appear on top everytime before they search(in alphabetical order). Is there a way to hide the userlist initially?

Normally you could enter the list with searchmode only, but due to a Joomla bug you can't enable this menu parameter. It however still won't hide the ability to display all.

Groupjive question. I can find a menu-item with "my groups".. but all it shows is the groups you've created yourself. Is there a menu item available in which people can see all the groups that they have subscribed to? I can't find it anywhere.

GJ menu links need to be generated from within GJ. See CB > Plugin Management > CB GroupJive > Menus.

I have integrated K2 with CB. When a user subscribes, it doesn't automatically assign to the "registered" group.. resulting in not being able to comment on K2 items before I manually allow them. I have seen this question before but not really a solution. (maybe it's a K2 bug rather then CB)

CB doesn't create a user within K2, when discussing integration we were informed it was not needed. K2 uses the _users table as its base and extends it. So this shouldn't matter and the user should be classified as registered. You simply can't use K2 usergroups at this time as there is no integration for them.

I can see a "CB Calendar" icon in the folder, but when I search through the modules, fields or tabs, I can't find a calendar option? Is this correct?

It's the icon used for the popup calendar for date fields.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • rolf3dea
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12 years 6 months ago #209180 by rolf3dea
Allright thanks, managed to make custom menu items!

I have some final questions (for now :P)

Where can I edit the text "enable profile wall" and "enable profile Blog"? Because it needs to be dutch but it's not in the language files.

Also the word "has" in "..." has 13 geregistreede leden. Can't find it.

You can check out what I mean here:

Password and username tester - tester

But most important is a bug that appears in the option menu. When your on a profile of someone that is not a connection, it shows weird code text (Sticky Caption, 'Anchor.. jadajada) and a "message" box. I just want an add friend button but I can't find where to change it back.

Thanks again

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  • rolf3dea
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12 years 6 months ago #209183 by rolf3dea
Ok that´s weird.. When I change the menu from fixed overlay to panel with tabs it works just fine, is something wrong with the js code perhaps? Haven't changed it though. Think the problem started when I installed Uddei PMS

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  • krileon
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12 years 6 months ago #209213 by krileon

Where can I edit the text "enable profile wall" and "enable profile Blog"? Because it needs to be dutch but it's not in the language files.

They're fields. You can edit their titles or define language strings for them and set their titles as a language string within CB > Field Management.

But most important is a bug that appears in the option menu. When your on a profile of someone that is not a connection, it shows weird code text (Sticky Caption, 'Anchor.. jadajada) and a "message" box. I just want an add friend button but I can't find where to change it back.

You've likely a bad language string. Probably missing an escape on the quote. The quote could be " or '. Both need to be escaped with \ to be safe. Switch to English and see if issue goes away.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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  • rolf3dea
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12 years 5 months ago #209938 by rolf3dea
I fixed the language like you said, thanks.

I have an error within groupjive, when trying to invite someone to a group it says to do it by email, not by username... so I thought this would mean one could invite someone from outside the website (that hasn't registered yet).. gives me an error. Also when I do try to invite someone by using the "choose connection", it shows the same error. I have added a screenshot. I don't even know where to start looking for this. :p

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